5th grade students studied the life and art of artist James Audubon. He's remembered for his expansive studies to document all types of American birds and for his detailed illustrations that showed the birds in their natural habitats. Audubon identified 25 new species! Most impresive is his book B
irds of America. There are only 119 copies and one copy is worth up to 10 million dollars today! This book is truly special not just because of the birds it documents but because of it's size...each bird was created life size!
After learning about Audubon students were inspired to create their own bird drawings. Looking at photographs students attempted their own realistic birds. When the drawings were complete students looked again at Audubons book and learned that the images inside were actually prints. Students then transferred their drawings to a linoleum block and set out to create their own prints. Finally students returned their focus to the photographs they drew to study the texture on their bird. Using the carving tools students added texture to the bird on their block of linoleum.